Claudia Barned, MSc, PhD

Bioethicist, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network

Claudia is a Bioethicist at the University Health Network (UHN) where she provides clinical and organizational ethics support to Toronto Western Hospital.  She completed a joint fellowship with the Centre for Clinical Ethics and UHN Bioethics.  Her interest in clinical ethics stemmed from her postdoctoral research in addiction neuroethics at the Pragmatic Health Ethics Research Unity (PHERU) – Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal (IRCM).  Her research at the PHERU focused on the voluntary aspects of decision-making in the context of drug addiction.  As an associate member of the PHERU, she is still actively involved in research and dissemination on this topic.  Claudia earned her PhD in Applied Social Psychology from the University of Guelph.  During her doctoral years, she focused on two topics: 1) cultural constructions of health and beauty and 2) the ethical, legal and social implications of involving children with inflammatory bowel disease in long-term biomedical research.  Her current research focuses on intersectionality and healthcare ethics, with an emphasis on race and gender justice in healthcare.