Andria Bianchi, PhD

Clinical Ethicist

Andria Bianchi (she/her) is a Clinical Ethicist employed by Unity Health Toronto, where she provides clinical, organizational, and research ethics support to multiple post-acute care organizations, including Baycrest, Toronto Grace Health Centre, and Surrey Place.

Before becoming an ethicist, Andria completed her PhD at the University of Waterloo. Andria’s doctoral work focused on the ethics of sexual consent and persons with dementia. In addition to having a continued interest in this topic, Andria is interested in disability ethics, research ethics, clinical and research decision-making for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), and transitions in care for people with IDD.

In addition to her clinical ethics responsibilities, Andria is an Assistant Professor (status-only) at the University of Toronto – Dalla Lana School of Public Health and an Affiliate Scientist with KITE Research Institute at Toronto Rehab.