Clinical Ethicist

Jordan is a Clinical Ethicist with the Centre for Clinical Ethics, currently based at Scarborough Health Network. He has a PhD from the Department of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, where he was a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada doctoral fellow. He completed a joint clinical ethics fellowship with the Provincial Health Services Authority and Providence Health Care in Vancouver, British Columbia. Jordan has previous clinical ethics experience with public policy, mental health, rural health, rehabilitation, and community health. His approach to ethics prioritizes the inclusion of patient and family voices and he emphasizes the clinical decision-making benefits of being comfortably uncomfortable. He has previously won an award for his work creating a culture of safety in his clinical consultations.
Jordan is also a researcher and advocate, focusing on equitable access to healthcare and health services, disability advocacy, and the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in hospitals. Much of his disability research has occurred in the policy sphere, working recently with organizations such as Provincial System Support Program. His research on artificial intelligence has appeared in both international conferences, including the World Congress of Bioethics and American Association of Bioethics and Humanities, and international journals, including the Journal of Medical Ethics and the American Journal of Bioethics.